Sunday, 6 December 2015

6th December 2015

Dear All,

Not too much to report this week as I went to bed with slight back ache on Tuesday night and woke up in considerable discomfort on Wednesday and it took me about 15 minutes to get out of bed. I got a cancellation doctor’s appointment who ruled out gall stones, trapped nerves and slipped discs and diagnosed “just mechanical damage! – it could take 4 weeks, take these powerful painkillers” I have no idea where it came from or what triggered it but it has severely restricted my activities this week. Meanwhile I had generously passed the “man flu” on to Kate so we have been a rum pair this week.
We managed “Just Vegetating” on Tuesday but have missed Home Group, Walking, Biographies and Spanish – the latter because Kate’s tutor was also indisposed.
I did manage the Men’s breakfast yesterday which was well attended (23) and the speaker was Shaun, the manager of Over Community Centre who has been on a Mission to the Dominican Republic mainly building houses for people living in ghetto conditions.

Men’s Breakfast

So no gardening, no housework! but plenty of time for preparing Annual Reviews and Christmas letters etc. I hope things improve next week.

.....and here is one for Mary


Mike & Kate

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