Sunday, 6 September 2015

Dear All,

Kate has been in Hove from Monday to Friday pending the imminent baby appearance but no news as yet. Esther is there this weekend and Kate plans to return tomorrow.
I bought a strimmer last week and spent a couple of afternoons tidying the overgrown graves in the cemetery. We have a contractor who cuts the grass and the hedge but many of the graves are neglected and become overgrown.

Strimmed Graveyard

I restocked the fish tank this week and already have a few baby Mollies.

Our Thursday walk this week started at Ashdon and being led by ex Squadron Leader David Cook was fairly brisk!


Yesterday was the last week of league cricket matches. Both Over teams won their last matches but finished 3rd from bottom in their leagues so could be narrowly relegated. There are still end of season matches next weekend then we have the winter maintenance to organise.

For those that knew her, Mary Watts died this week after a long period of weakness.

Sweet Corn is doing well, beans and courgettes slowing down, and figs an unprecedented glut – I picked 24 on Wednesday.


Mike & Kate

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