Sunday, 27 September 2015

27th September 2015

Dear All,

We had two walks this week as on Monday we were recceing for leading next week at Ridgewell near Haverill. This began in drizzle but we did not get too wet. It is quite an historical area with King Charles connections and wartime airfields.


On Thursday the normal walk was fairly local at Hardwick, Comberton and Toft. The sun shone but with heavy overnight rain and the season of ploughed fields there were some distinctly sticky sections.

Floods near Hardwick

Church Farm, Comberton

Comberton Village Pond

I had another trip to Spalding on Tuesday. I arrived early to record the trial with a local colleague before the rest of the RHS Panel arrived to judge varieties for the AGM award. The trial is excellent so the main problem is that most of the varieties look pretty good.

Learned Panel

On Wednesday our car was due for an MOT and service. As we had paid for a warranty package when we purchased it from Marshalls in Cambridge it needed to go back there. This was a bit of a nuisance as we had to kill 3 hours in Newmarket Road, Cambridge. It passed OK but since the service has been leaking oil and has to go back – so much for the most expensive service we have enjoyed! While in Cambridge we called on Cathy our old lodger. As usual things are not going well, she is off work with a severe urinary infection and probably diabetes complications and her car failed the MOT and is probably a write off after she spent £900 on it in the recent past.

Yesterday we were at Fulbourn Hospital for Street Pastors Training in Mental Health. It was interesting so I look forward to assessing you all when we next meet!
In the evening it was our Harvest Supper where the guest speaker was from “Jimmy’s” the hostel for homeless people in Cambridge. At today’s Harvest Thanksgiving the speaker is from “Jews for Jesus” – not a great harvest theme in my opinion but I expect a worthy enterprise.


Mike & Kate

Sunday, 20 September 2015

20th September 2015

Dear All,

Kate and I travelled to Sussex on Sunday afternoon to inspect our new grandson (as yet unnamed) staying near Rye on Sunday night and exploring Battle briefly in the rain on Monday morning en route to Hove. The baby seems to be thriving and had increased weight by Friday to 8lb 14oz.

Rye was an interesting place to visit – a bit like a film set with narrow streets and attractive period buildings.

Rye Landgate

Amélie has found her second week at school understandably tougher than the first week as she has been every day for the full hours – all that and a new sibling to contend with!
Tuesday was “Putting the cricket pitch to bed day” as we had the county trailer with necessary equipment to scarify, fertilize, reseed and apply 50 bags of soil. We just beat the rain so it should receive a good start.
On Wednesday I was at Spalding to help record a RHS cauliflower trial. It is being hosted by Elsoms Seeds and as it contains 27 varieties will involve several trips.
Due to this appointment I missed Mary Watts’ funeral which Kate attended. On the same day Doreen Barnes, wife of one our former elders died.
Our Thursday excursion started at Wicken and touched Soham before circumnavigating Wicken Fen. It was largely sunny and sound underfoot but at 11.25 miles plenty long enough.

Wicken The Maids Head

Wicken Fen

I caught up in the garden and allotment on Friday.
The weekend has been fairly hectic starting with setting up for Messy Church on Saturday morning, followed by Messy Church then clearing up. Then it was our turn for “Nightlite” in Cambridge. The start was quiet but after we had more than our fair share of the homeless including one who had to be forcibly ejected followed by an American services lady who needed to get home to Mildenhall with no cash and very little clarity. We were home by 4.15 am but this morning we had a dedication followed by a shared lunch. Next there is a “Tea & Talk” (more food – Kate is on overtime!) the speaker is from CAP (Christians Against Poverty).


Mike & Kate

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Dear All,

It has been a big week in Hove this week as Mary-Ann and Andy produced a son yesterday at 10.20 am and Amélie started school on Tuesday.
I understand that the labour was not especially long but not without some difficulties as after triage the baby was showing some distress and had to be helped out with some suction. He (as yet unnamed) was 8lb 10oz which might explain the above. Both were thankfully OK last night even if one of them was rather sore!

Amélie started school at the age of 4 years and 2 months which seems a little premature but they manage these things very gently these days and I believe she has only put in two mornings so far and the school is just across the road. It is a bit different from being put on a bus to Thorpe!

Kate had spent the week in Hove again but had returned on Friday.
Our Thursday walk started at Offord D’Arcy this week on followed the River Ouse to Little Paxton Nature Reserve. It was sunny all trip and an excellent walk.

Offord Mill

Offord Church & River Ouse

I was judging at Shelford yesterday. It is a good show but with fairly fussy organisers who fiddle with the rules. The controversy this year was “Apples should not be polished” which is fine but some varieties are naturally shiny and it is very difficult to tell whether they have been polished or not – and of course it is always the best exhibits that you have to disqualify! It is good to get away before the exhibitors arrive!
I have planted Spring Cabbage this week both here and on the allotment and prepared an area for a new strawberry bed.

Mike & Kate

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Dear All,

Kate has been in Hove from Monday to Friday pending the imminent baby appearance but no news as yet. Esther is there this weekend and Kate plans to return tomorrow.
I bought a strimmer last week and spent a couple of afternoons tidying the overgrown graves in the cemetery. We have a contractor who cuts the grass and the hedge but many of the graves are neglected and become overgrown.

Strimmed Graveyard

I restocked the fish tank this week and already have a few baby Mollies.

Our Thursday walk this week started at Ashdon and being led by ex Squadron Leader David Cook was fairly brisk!


Yesterday was the last week of league cricket matches. Both Over teams won their last matches but finished 3rd from bottom in their leagues so could be narrowly relegated. There are still end of season matches next weekend then we have the winter maintenance to organise.

For those that knew her, Mary Watts died this week after a long period of weakness.

Sweet Corn is doing well, beans and courgettes slowing down, and figs an unprecedented glut – I picked 24 on Wednesday.


Mike & Kate