Sunday, 21 June 2015

21 June 2015

Dear All,

The “Cousins Outing” to Guernsey was a great success. Gwen and Rob looked after us all very well including fetching us from the airport, a BBQ, walk, Guernsey High Tea, trip to Herm and an evening meal at a sports club.
Kate and I flew from Stanstead together with Dave & Jen on Tuesday afternoon. Graham & Mary, Peter & Annemarie had already arrived in the morning. As soon as we arrived we set out for the nearby Fermain Bay and a coastal walk. The cliffs and bays were spectacular and the path reasonably challenging. Both Dave & Jen have painful joints at present so did well to endure/enjoy the walk right round the SE peninsula. We met up with the others when we returned and went for a pub dinner.

Coastal Walk, Pea Stacks

On Wednesday morning we all caught the no.91 bus which circumnavigates the whole island for £1. Kate and I stopped off in St Peters Port to explore a little before returning to the hotel in St Martins. We then walked to Gwen & Rob’s (the Nunns were collected) for a BBQ, walk and then a magnificent “Guernsey High Tea” based on local lobsters, shrimps and prawns all artistically arranged. Ancient photos were brought out to cement the family bonds for some and fill in historical gaps for others.

Cousins of 2015

Guernsey High Tea

On Thursday we all caught the ferry to Herm, a small island to the east of Guernsey – population 60. It is only 1.5 miles x 0.5 miles so we walked round the coast in sunny weather which was most enjoyable with some distinctive plants. In the evening Gwen & Rob took us to a Sports Club in the west of the island for a parting meal and an evening exploration of some of the coast there. Kate had rubbed up against some umbelliferous plants on our coast walk and these had raised an itchy rash on her legs.

Herm Shell Beach

We all departed at different times on Friday. Dave, Jen and ourselves visited “The Museum of the German Occupation” near the airport which was very comprehensive and well presented. We had a good flight home followed by the train to Cambridge and the Guided Bus home.

Museum of German Occupation

Yesterday we had an afternoon training session for Street Pastors on “Listening” then in the evening we went to Sally Lane’s 60th birthday celebration at the Eco House – so a good end to the week.


Mike & Kate

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