Sunday, 28 June 2015

Dear All,

We were in Sussex this week and on Wednesday we started by climbing the South Downs at Malling Hill near Lewes. It was a beautiful day and there were huge carpets of orchids. However the highlight for Amélie was extracting the small hoppers from the cuckoo spit.

Malling Hill


In the afternoon we explored Rottingdean which combines impressive chalk cliffs with Kipling’s Garden and a picturesque village pond.

Rottingdean front

Kipling’s Garden

Rottingdean Pond

Our Thursday walk started at Great Chishall which contains the highest point in Cambridgeshire at 146m above sea level! – and a little known fact is that this is lower than the lowest point in Switzerland!

I was judging at Stapleford yesterday – a small show so not too demanding and I was able to combine this with taking the cricket mower to “Gog Magog Mowers” and visit Wandlebury while waiting.


Kate has had a difficult week with the rash she picked up in Guernsey. She went to the local Dispensary for some cream and they insisted on consulting a doctor who prescribed cortisone cream and Erythromysin antibiotic. Unfortunately she had a hyposensitive reaction and was covered with a rash from head to toe. She has now been given alternative treatment and is slowly improving.

We have a glut of red currants (currently!). Any offers greatfully received.

Mike & Kate

Sunday, 21 June 2015

21 June 2015

Dear All,

The “Cousins Outing” to Guernsey was a great success. Gwen and Rob looked after us all very well including fetching us from the airport, a BBQ, walk, Guernsey High Tea, trip to Herm and an evening meal at a sports club.
Kate and I flew from Stanstead together with Dave & Jen on Tuesday afternoon. Graham & Mary, Peter & Annemarie had already arrived in the morning. As soon as we arrived we set out for the nearby Fermain Bay and a coastal walk. The cliffs and bays were spectacular and the path reasonably challenging. Both Dave & Jen have painful joints at present so did well to endure/enjoy the walk right round the SE peninsula. We met up with the others when we returned and went for a pub dinner.

Coastal Walk, Pea Stacks

On Wednesday morning we all caught the no.91 bus which circumnavigates the whole island for £1. Kate and I stopped off in St Peters Port to explore a little before returning to the hotel in St Martins. We then walked to Gwen & Rob’s (the Nunns were collected) for a BBQ, walk and then a magnificent “Guernsey High Tea” based on local lobsters, shrimps and prawns all artistically arranged. Ancient photos were brought out to cement the family bonds for some and fill in historical gaps for others.

Cousins of 2015

Guernsey High Tea

On Thursday we all caught the ferry to Herm, a small island to the east of Guernsey – population 60. It is only 1.5 miles x 0.5 miles so we walked round the coast in sunny weather which was most enjoyable with some distinctive plants. In the evening Gwen & Rob took us to a Sports Club in the west of the island for a parting meal and an evening exploration of some of the coast there. Kate had rubbed up against some umbelliferous plants on our coast walk and these had raised an itchy rash on her legs.

Herm Shell Beach

We all departed at different times on Friday. Dave, Jen and ourselves visited “The Museum of the German Occupation” near the airport which was very comprehensive and well presented. We had a good flight home followed by the train to Cambridge and the Guided Bus home.

Museum of German Occupation

Yesterday we had an afternoon training session for Street Pastors on “Listening” then in the evening we went to Sally Lane’s 60th birthday celebration at the Eco House – so a good end to the week.


Mike & Kate

Sunday, 14 June 2015

14th June 2015

Dear All,

Highlight this week has been a gathering of the U3A class that we taught last autumn. We invited them for lunch and a look round the garden and 20 took up the invitation.
The weather was kind and Kate prepared an excellent spread so no complaints. We had early potatoes, French beans, carrots and broad beans all ready and autumn shallots and onions already lifted.

U3A Visitors

Exotic Salad

Kate missed the Thursday walk to prepare the food and consequently we arrived at the wrong Brockley Green grievously mislead by the Sat Nav. There is both a Brockley and a Brockley Green between Bury St Edmunds and Haverill and the Sat Nav chose the wrong one even though the correct words were inserted. Kate would not have trusted the machine and followed on a map to check. Our car load arrived 20 minutes late and had to hurry to catch up the shorter walk which started at Brockley Green then took in Hundon.


We had a tense cricket match with Cambridge Police on Wednesday, they scored 156 and we managed 153 needing only 5 to win from the last over our incumbent pair only managed 1 run. I have sustained a career threatening muscle tear in the lower abdomen which is bothering me a little.
I have worked on the Marshalls Seeds project this week and apart from wicket repairs and preparations have spent most of the rest of the time smartening the garden ready for the visit.
Over 2nd XI started their match on the Green yesterday in moist conditions and were predictably rained off after an hour, not before doing considerable damage to the wicket, much to the annoyance of the groundsman!
We were on late shift at “Nightlite” again last night. We had one very serious sick case, a steady stream of happy revellers and several rough sleepers including one with two (well trained) dogs who was present for the whole 6 hours. There seems to be an increase in rough sleeping in Cambridge, whether this is seasonal or a result of  Mr Cameron tightening the benefits conditions I am not sure. So it was bed at 4.45 am and bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning!


Mike & Kate

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Dear All,

We had an enjoyable week at Nortrepps in our friends converted barn. No expense seems to have been spared in the conversion so no complaints about the accommodation.

The barn – Outside and in

On Monday we explored Cromer: beach, pier, art gallery then on to “Amazonia” a collection of South American animals and birds.

Cromer Pier

Patagonian Mara

Rare South American Wildlife?

Tuesday the weather forecast was not promising so we visited Alby Craft Centre which was moderate but in the dry then looked round the attached gardens which were good. We then called in on Overstrand in a downpour then Mundesley where it cleared up we were able to paddle.


Wednesday was sunny and we headed for Sheringham, calling first at the “Shire Horse Sanctuary” which housed many other rescued animals as well as the horses. It also had an interesting collection of old farm implements. In Sheringham we visited the Wind Power exhibition, Shell Art display and the beach before the first putting tournament of the week. Andy and Ben arrived at Cromer station late that night.

Shire Horse Sanctuary

Shell Art

Thursday saw a return to Cromer for serious crab catching off the pier. Our first haul was a large edible crab and we also caught swimming crabs and shore crabs, all of which must be a bit confused at being caught and returned on a regular basis! The second putting contest was held on the demanding Cromer seafront course.

Serious Crab Hunting

First Catch

On Friday we caught a boat to go and see the seals off Blakeney Point. There were about 200 scattered around but no pups yet. Next stop was Wells-next-Sea, finishing up at Holt where Esther met up with an old retired colleague.

Blakeney Seals

So an action packed week, with decent weather and of course excellent company!


Mike & Kate