Sunday, 24 May 2015

24th May 2015

Dear All,

It was our turn to Amélie sit this week. She is still into bugs and snails and spends time in the garden searching for fresh specimens. On Wednesday we visited friends Robert & Heather we met in Turkey, who live in Bexhill-on-Sea. We took them for lunch at a garden centre near Battle, then strolled on the beach at Cooden – a prime seakale site.
We travelled back via Pevensey Castle.

 Bug Hunting

Bexhill-on-Sea Clock Tower

Bexhill-on-Sea Front

Pevensey Castle

We had a local walk on Thursday starting at Stowe cum Quy taking in Little Wilbraham, Bottisham, Lode and Anglesey Abbey. It was 10 miles and sunny all trip with a large turnout. Philip, our illustrious leader, had his second knee replacement on Wednesday. We half expected to see him on Thursday as he attacked his recovery exercises after the first replacement with considerable zeal!

Lode Mill

Otherwise it has been cricket pitch preparation and intensive gardening. The allotment is reasonable but the sweet corn has been visited by either rabbits or muntjac deer so we have erected the vegetable cage over it. Both greenhouses are more or less full with tomatoes, cucumbers, melons, peppers, aubergines and a sweet potato.
Kate and I were on “Street Pastors Nitelife” cafe duty last night. It was fairly quiet until about 1.30 am when the neighbouring night club had a toilet failure so we had a steady stream of those anxious for relief! Apart from that there were the usual over indulgers, street dwellers and a large group from Ely who had to wait for over an hour for their taxi. We got to bed at 4.45 am and I was presenting the children’s talk this morning and Kate was involved in the shared lunch - so no slouching!


Mike & Kate

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