Sunday, 1 February 2015

1st February 2015

Dear All,

Serious decorating began this week as the last room with wallpaper came under Kate’s eagle eye. The wallpaper strips easily but there is a layer of sticky glue/paint that has be scrubbed off inch by inch.

Ben’s Old Room

It was Hilda’s funeral Thursday afternoon so we did not go on the usual long walk with the mob, but did our own thing from Newnham to Granchester along the river, tea with Jeffrey Archer, then back to Newnham (one of those statements is incorrect!). It was mainly sunny and not too muddy. The funeral was quite well attended for a 99 year old, with the highlight being a poem composed and read by a teenage great granddaughter.

The Cam at Newnham

Granchester Meadows

“Italian Cities” studied “Venice part 2” mainly the islands of which there are 118! and “Biographies” was a learned discourse on “Christiaan Huygens” a Dutch scientist who discovered the rings of Saturn, discovered Titan and Orion, wrote major works on gravity and energy, described the shape of the earth, accurately produced formulae for pendulums, invented the magic lantern and developed accurate theories of probability and yet is largely unknown in the UK who laud Newton who was operating in the same fields at the same time.



The germination cabinet seems to be working so I have several lots of seed underway.
My next Garden Club talk is on “Cuba” so I have been mugging up on that as my knowledge is a bit rusty.

We had our first brief settling snowstorm yesterday but it soon turned to rain. Three of us travelled to Godmanchester for football only to discover it had been cancelled.

We are off to St Neots tonight for the annual CEEM (Moldova) rededication service.

Mike & Kate

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