Sunday, 18 January 2015

Dear All,

Still no snow locally, but it has been fairly chilly most nights. The new U3A term got off to a slow start as the office was broken into at the weekend and several laptops were stolen so Monday’s classes were all cancelled.
On Tuesday, I was invited to talk to the U3A Gardening group at Comberton, mainly mature ladies but full of questions. After we drove down to Hove in time to pick up Mary-Ann and Amélie from work and nursery. Both were suffering a little and Amélie was grizzly until midnight but after sleeping announced “I am better now” in the morning.
We visited the “South Downs Heritage Centre” at Hassocks on Wednesday. It is a combination of museum and garden centre but as it turned out the museum part is being completely renovated and closed, but the garden centre was huge and full of post Christmas bargains with a decent animal section to entertain Amélie.
We travelled back via Ditchling Beacon – the third highest point on the South Downs. The views were spectacular but as the wind was icy we did not walk too far.

South Downs Heritage Centre

View from Ditchling Beacon

On Thursday our walk started at Broughton, north of St Ives, and included the site of “The Secret Garden” music festival. There was plenty of mud but not so bad as some walks recently.

Little Reveley

Near Broughton

On Friday evening we were at Newnham College for the “Ramblers New Year Social”. It was well attended as usual with about 60 present and participants bring food under Philip’s careful guidance. Kate produced a much admired raised meat pie and I presented the review of the year.
“Biographies” started again on Friday and this week’s topic was “William Hogarth” who never recovered from being only 5 ft tall!
Yesterday was the January Messy Church. Kate was IC food and the numbers reasonable but appreciably creeping younger.

Messy Church


Mike & Kate

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