Sunday, 9 November 2014

Dear All,

So winter draws on! We had our first decent frost on Bonfire night so the end of the dahlias, tomatoes etc. but much later than usual.
“Just Vegetating” topic was “Salads – Fruit” i.e. Tomatoes, Peppers, Cucumbers and Aubergines. We had a full house this week for the first time as U3A members seem to spent a disproportionate time travelling or grand child minding. We also had a veritable tapas bar of food as members slowly take up the challenge of contributing.
The film was “Spring in a Small Town” a 1948 black and white Chinese production. It was rather slow moving but supposedly a classic.
On Wednesday as some of you will know we travelled to Essex to meet up with Dave and Jen, Mary and Graham to celebrate David’s 75th birthday. We had a meal at Weeley then on to Beaumont to view progress on the new house, chat and tea and cake.


The walk Thursday started at Howlett End near Thaxted. It was sticky underfoot but sunny with undulating scenery and a very good pub.

“Biography” subject was “Godfrey Hounsfield” who left school at 16 with no qualifications and ended up inventing the CAT scanner earning the Nobel Prize, 6 honary degrees and 40 other awards – but remained relatively unknown.

Friday evening we had Dave Bilbrough concert in Over Community Centre with his tour “Tales of a Troubadour” supporting “World Vision”. It was very professionally presented; 124 turned up and several signed up to support a child so it was worthwhile.


Mike & Kate

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