Sunday, 14 September 2014

14th September 2014

Dear All,

Hove week this week and we drove down (now cricket has finished) on Tuesday after I had visited NIAB for the second time in two weeks. This time it was for the Sweet Corn open day but first I popped in for coffee with old colleagues. The Sweet Corn was the tallest I can remember but it had suffered from lodging following the flooding and wind last month.

Our journey to Hove was one of the clearest we have had so credit to the M25 as I am usually complaining about it. We arrived early so explored Shoreham-on-Sea while waiting for Mary-Ann to clock off.

Shoreham Lighthouse

On Wednesday we called in on friends we had met on the Turkey trip who live at Bexhill-on-Sea and were invited to stay for lunch. After we spent the afternoon at Eastbourne and then called in at Beachy Head. Eastbourne was planned by the 7th Duke of Devonshire and most of the roads have Derbyshire names so Kate felt at home. The population was decidedly geriatric but the buildings and flower beds were in good condition and the pier being repaired after last years fire.

Eastbourne Pier

Eastbourne Flower Beds

Beachy Head

Posed Smile?

The Beachy Head car park ticket has the Samaritans telephone number on the back and a chaplain was sitting in a clearly marked car in a prominent position.
The Thursday walk was fairly local starting at Arrington and taking in Wimpole and Whaddon. I managed it this week and the feet have improved since then.

I was judging Shelford Show yesterday which was reasonably well supported for a late show. Like most shows it is run by a powerful mafia of formidable ladies and our escorts are given a list of punitive instructions.

Shelford Show

I began squash harvest this week and the weather has suited particularly the butternuts this year.


Mike & Kate

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