Dear All,
We had an excellent week in Flanders – the weather was mostly kind,
the guides first class and the company and walking both very good.
It was our first trip through the Euro Tunnel and it was quick and
painless – it was difficult to see that we were moving. Our hotel was in a
wooded ridge above Kemmel with a superb view and our group of 25 took over the
whole place. Guides were booked for the first three days to explain the battles
and take us to various monuments, graveyards and museums.
The first day we visited Essex Farm (Advanced Dressing Station),
Pickem Ridge, site of the first gas attack, the Harry Patch memorial, the
German Cemetery at Langemarck, the Canadian “Brooding Soldier” memorial and
Tyne Cot Cemetery where we found Kate’s grandfathers brother’s name on the
wall. This was all before lunch which we took at Nieukierke before watching a
film “Zero Hour” in Kemmel before walking back to the hotel.
Essex Farm
Tyne Cot
On Tuesday another guide met us at Mesen and explained the various
stages of the war and we walked to the Irish Peace Park, the Pool of Peace and
tooking various water filled craters which resulted from the tunnelling under
the German trenches and detonating large amounts of explosives. We had lunch at
Wijtschate then visited the restored trenches at Bayernwald. On the way back we
visited a WWII “Secret Bunker” under Kemmelberg.
Irish Peace Park
Bayernwald Trenches
On Wednesday with the same guide we drove to Ypres and walked from
Hill 60 along a ridge taking in Hills 61 and 62 which changed hands many times
during the combat. After lunch in Ypres we spent the afternoon in the very
impressive Flanders Fields museum and stayed on for the Last Post ceremony at
the Menin Gate. There were several hundred people there due to the centenary.
Hill 60 Bunker
Ypres Centre
Menin Gate
Thursday was long walk day and Philip led us round the Rodeberg –
about 12 miles but good scenery and weather. After some of us visited Talbot
House, the Toc H building at Poperinge started by Tubby Clayton to provide
peace and rest behind the front line.
We had some time to kill on Friday morning so we explored the border
town of Bailleul where the main surprise was a horse drawn dustcart.
We arrived back at 5pm on Friday and Kate was in charge of cooking
for 40 at the Harvest Supper last night!
Mike & Kate