Sunday, 6 July 2014

6th July 2014

Dear All,

The long running saga of the Cemetery path has now hopefully been laid to rest as following our work party to remove loose concrete last Saturday it has been coated with tarmac this week and looks reasonably presentable. It has been on the agenda for about 5 years as various schemes have been presented and dismissed due to cost. Either people are not dying quickly enough or the cost of a plot is too cheap to balance the books!

My car blew its exhaust this week which proved an expensive incident as the whole system needed replacing – still it was the original which had been in place for 11 years.

Our neighbour opposite (Mrs Twiss) is chairwoman of the local “Dignity in Dying” group and organised a large debate at Newnham College on Monday evening. As she had personally invited us we felt obliged to go. The attendees were largely supporters so the anti speaker had a fairly tough task.

Newnham College

I  attended the NIAB Open Day on Tuesday. It is largely a combinable crops event but the “Innovation Farm” was also demonstrated and there were some interesting exhibits such as the programme to recreate wheat from wild ancestors, genetic improvement of sanfoin, novel oil crops such as Ahiflower, wild flower mixes for bees, opium poppies, buckwheat and dye crops.



This week’s walk started at Little Walden, near Saffron Walden and progressed close to Chesterford Park where Kate used to work.

Little Walden

We had a “Men’s breakfast” and talk yesterday at chapel with 21 attending. I then had to hot foot it to Stapleford where I was judging. This was quite a small show so did not take too long.

Class 16 – 10 Gooseberries
 Cricket was actually on yesterday despite morning rain and Over won again in a close finish with St Ives II.
It was Amélie’s 3rd birthday yesterday and Mary-Ann and Esther took her to Germany to celebrate with her father – as you do! Ben has been cycling the mountainous section of the Tour de France for a couple of weeks – we assume he is OK!


Mike & Kate

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