Dear All,
I hope you have all coped with the hot and humid weather this week.
Our esteemed walk leader actually cancelled this week’s ramble after hearing
the forecast for Thursday claiming it was” too hot for elderly participants”.
Kate and I decided to get up early and walked along the river to St Ives. It
was a good walk but fairly full of insect life, some interesting like the
dragonflies and butterflies, some annoying like the mosquitoes and horseflies.
Comma Butterfly
St Ives Marina
We attended one of the “The Cambridge Shakespeare Festival” plays on
Friday at Kings College garden. It was “A Midsummer Nights Dream” and as the
weather was set fair there was a large audience of over 500.
Two cricket matches this week, on Wednesday the chapel team managed
to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory losing to Cambridge Police by 6 runs
despite me taking 3 wickets in one over! Yesterday I was called up for Over
2nds as we beat March 4ths to remain top of the league.
We have beans, tomatoes, cucumbers and courgettes coming out of our
ears. Truly a good growing season.
We still have our South African lodger as she is wrestling with either returning home or sticking it out to try and find a job after many
Mike & Kate