Sunday, 18 May 2014

11th May 2014

Dear All,

It was our turn at Hove again this week and the weather on Wednesday was of the proper seaside sort, so we spent the day walking to Brighton along the sea front. One brave soul was taking his first sea swim of the year wisely wearing beach shoes due to the somewhat course nature of the sand! Amélie was fascinated by the fact that “he was going into the sea with his shoes on”.


Our walk on Thursday started at Halls Green, near Stevenage, and it was a beautiful sunny day with gently undulating scenery.

Messy church yesterday, I was in charge of origami boats and the Sea of Galilee i.e. paddling pool was popular on a hot afternoon.

Lots of gardening this week ready for going away tonight so early sweet corn, Brussels sprouts, sprouting broccoli, Romanesco, courgettes aubergines and cucumbers have all been planted. We have invested in a new pest proof vegetable cage to try and keep pigeons and butterflies at bay.

There have been three cricket matches on The Green this week so the square has needed some attention especially as the grass is growing at a rate of knots.

We are due to fly to Turkey tomorrow after staying overnight in Harrow.

Mike & Kate

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