Sunday, 6 April 2014

Dear All,

Tom Webster has been down from Scotland this week. A few of the NIAB “Wrinklies” met up for lunch in his honour on Tuesday after I took him to the Botanic Gardens. He is understandably getting a bit frailer but currently has his right arm in plaster as he typically was determined to see whether he could ski on one good leg! The answer is evidently “no” as he kept falling over until he eventually cracked a bone in his wrist.

Tom and Prunus x yedoensis

He and his Cambridge hosts, Jock and Molly came for lunch on Friday and he back up north on Tuesday.
Last Sunday afternoon Kate and I visited the Hyacinth open day at Waterbeach. A local farmer, Alan Shipp holds the national collection and opens the site once a year to show 189 varieties and 10,000 bulbs. As you might imagine the scent is quite powerful.

Waterbeach Hyacinth display

I have been struggling with a swollen knee this week but it was tolerable on Thursday so I did the usual walk this week at Guilden and Steeple Morden. I don’t think it has improved the knee!

Steeple Morden church

Esther came up yesterday and Kate has been helping her make a wee dress – I can’t guess for whom!

I have spent non active time sorting vegetable seed packets for Moldova. We have been given more than 2000 packets from Suttons and Mr Fothergills but not all are suitable.
Over won 3 v 0 against Cottenham yesterday – a somewhat nervous performance as they approach the final furlong of the season 4 points clear at the top of the Premier League!


Mike & Kate

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