Sunday, 22 December 2013

Dear All,

Kate is still progressing slowly. The wrapping has been removed and replaced by a plaster. The hospital was pleased with the healing process but it still becomes painful at times.
No classes this week in the build up to Christmas – but three turkey meals!
On Monday I swam, dug in the mustard green manure and started preparation the chapel social “Review of the Year”
Stan, our Bulgarian computer expert, took my computer on Tuesday/Wednesday to increase the memory, speed and install “Windows Seven”. It seems to be working better with just a few glitches.
I had my broken tooth patched up in time for a “NIAB Wrinklies” lunch at the Menzies Hotel at Bar Hill. It was the first time I had been inside and it was a reasonable meal with about 30 of us assembled. They had a charity collection after which this year was for Moldova and raised £169.
On Wednesday Kate and I visited Huntingdon Garden Centre to finish a bit of Christmas shopping without venturing to town. It is the size of a small village and you could live there without risking the outside world!
Our pre Christmas walk started at Barrington and we stopped at out leader Philip’s house at Foxton for mince pies and mulled wine before ending back at Barrington for a Christmas lunch at the “Royal Oak”. I dropped Kate off at Foxton and she was able to join us at Barrington for a very good meal for 55.

U3A Ramblers Christmas 2013

Barrington Village Green

I fetched a local Christmas tree on Friday from Fenwick’s allotment where prices have rocketed from £1 per foot to £2 per foot! In the afternoon we invited our rather difficult neighbours in for tea in the spirit of Yuletide goodwill!
It was Christmas Messy Church yesterday with, yes, a turkey dinner for 50. Carol Service tonight and Mervyn has assembled an ad hoc male voice choir which should be interesting.
Christmas Greetings to all that we will not see personally.


Mike & Kate

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