Sunday, 1 September 2013

1st September 2013

Dear All,

On Monday Kate and I visited Houghton Hall to view “Houghton Revisited”, the Walpole art collection which was sold to Catherine the Great, and has been loaned back from the Hermitage. It was worth seeing but dominated by portraits, some excellent and several rather drab. The Hall itself was well worth seeing with a deer park, large garden and sculpture trail.
After we went on to explore Kings Lynn which again was interesting and rather cosmopolitan with English a minority language.

 Houghton Hall 

                                                           Formal Garden

Two Priceless statues? 

 Fire and water

 Vegetable Garden

                                                        Kings Lynn Town Hall

 Kings Lynn Boats Old & New

 Kings Lynn Monuments

Kate had her foot examined at Addenbrookes on Tuesday and they gave her another cortisone injection and X- Ray which did not especially please her but she is at least in the system and they have promised follow up.

Two walks this week, a recce at Radwinter and Hempstead on Wednesday for one we are leading later and Abington, Hildersham and Babraham on Thursday both in shirtsleeves.

I was drafted into the cricket team for the last match of the season which we narrowly lost and I managed not to get injured and achieved double figures (just).

Otherwise we have been preparing for our U3A course and harvesting and tidying the garden ready to leave it for 10 days as we leave for Latvia on Tuesday.


Mike & Kate

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