Sunday, 21 July 2013

21st July 2013

Dear All,

A fairly busy week: Monday evening, Deacons meeting; Tuesday evening, Annual Church meeting; Wednesday evening Over Garden Club trip to gardens in Lode; Thursday evening, Guest at Bourn Garden Club 40th anniversary dinner; Friday evening, attended book launch in Cambridge; Saturday evening, Sue Whitfield’s 70th birthday party – and that’s just the evenings!
The gardens in Lode belonged to Richard Ayers and a neighbour. Richard was the former head gardener at Anglesey Abbey. The garden was attractive but not a vegetable in sight!

Lode garden

I was honoured to attend the anniversary dinner at Bourn having delivered more talks there (11) than anyone else. They unusually ended up with too much cash in the bank and needed an excuse to spend it!
The book launch was held at Wolfson College and was for Felicia Gordon, one of our walking companions and the topic was rather esoteric: “Constance Pascal (1877 – 1937) Authority, Femininity and Feminism in French Psychiatry). It may not be a best seller but the lady was the first female psychiatrist in France.

Felicia Gordon

We called in at Moggerhanger again this week to return a cool box that our raspberry delivery was made in and on the way picked up some bags to dispose of our asbestos down pipes that have been hanging around for a year or so. It is a tortuous process in that the bags and permission have to be obtained from the Council Offices in Cambourne and the disposal made at a prearranged time at Waterbeach. While at Waterbeach we were able to pick up a car load of green compost.
Our Thursday walk started at Kimbolton and it was fairly warm. Kate was on the short walk which missed the way so we were back at 12.30 pm from the long walk while the short walkers did not appear until 1.20 pm, rather hot and flustered!


It was “Messy Church” again yesterday, numbers were down a bit but it still went OK.

 Messy Church

Mary-Ann, Andy and Amélie finally moved to Hove on Monday. It must be a relief to get it over with. Their new address is: 3 Haddington Street, Hove, Sussex. BN3 3YQ.
Tel: 01273 985766.


Mike & Kate

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