Dear All,
This week has been dominated by Holiday Club. We had 30 -33 each day,
which is double recent years and it seemed to go very well. The children were
better behaved than usual and Rachel led the proceedings excellently. Kate and
I were in charge of the older group of 17 with the theme of “Space Academy”
related to the story of Daniel. We had 2 sessions of crafts and games each day
with the story, drama and singing parts and refreshments sandwiched in between.
The crafts included tile painting, 3-D veg, lion masks, lion cups, rubbish to
robot construction, gingerbread spacemen, Das stamping, foot and hand
stencilling etc. On Friday there was a meal for parents and children and there
were about 75 participating.
There has not been much time for other things this week besides
gardening, cricket pitch maintenance and preparing U3A talks for the autumn
when Kate and I are leading a course called “Just Vegetating” covering the
history, background, importance, breeding aims, nutrition, commercial growing,
garden growing and recipes for vegetables. It is due to run for 10 weeks so
involves a certain amount of preparation. I know you will all be disappointed
that you cannot attend?
We managed to swim on Monday but had to miss the Thursday walk due
to the Holiday Club. Philip our esteemed walk leader came to collect some
plants I had been looking after for him on Monday while they were on their latest
holiday in the Lake District. This followed 7 weeks in Sicily and precedes 3
weeks in Cornwall!
Mary-Ann, Andy and Amélie seem to have settled in OK but still have
boxes to unpack. Amélie has managed a paddle most days and there are 2 small
girls living next door. We hope to visit this coming week.
Mike & Kate