Sunday, 21 April 2013

21st April 2013

Dear All,

Not too much to report this week as we are still both struggling healthwise. Kate can’t throw off her virus and still has ear ache, coughing and sore throat. I went to Addenbrookes A&E for a couple of hours relaxation(waiting) and to have my ear examined and was passed fit to fly to Moldova. Since then my foot and ankle have been rather painful with gout so I am hobbling.
So it has been mainly gardening and preparation for Moldova this week. Gardening included writing a letter to RHS on behalf of the Vegetable Forum to complain about the shortcomings of their proposals for future trials.
I also had to compile a Gardening Column for the Over News and deliver a talk to Hauxton Garden Club. As my left ear is still not working the talk sounded very strange and echoing to me.
Yesterday was Messy Church and Kate was IC food despite not being 100% and in the evening we attended a meal for the Association churches at Whittlesey. We took Norman and Rosemary so I was quite glad of the cotton wool in my ear!

Messy Church

Mike & Kate

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