Sunday, 11 November 2012

Dear All,

We were in London yesterday for the annual Conference of CSW (Christian Solidarity Worldwide) an organisation which supports people who have been persecuted for their faith. It was held in the “Emanuel Centre” at Westminster. We arrived late as the Premier Travel coach we travelled on broke down at Wanstead so we completed the journey by tube. There were harrowing tales of people who are in prison or house arrest but the stories which made the biggest impression were from those who were actually there: a Sri Lankan lady whose husband had been killed in front of her eyes, an Iranian girl who had been imprisoned and an Iranian pastor who was imprisoned and sentenced to death. 54,000 people wrote to embassies to protest, a 24 hour prayer vigil was held and he was released the same day.

Emanuel Centre

It was Gordon Foster’s 60th birthday this week and he held a party at an Indian restaurant in Peterborough on Tuesday evening. His boss Denis part owns the restaurant so he gets a good deal.
The Tuesday film was “The Burmese Harp” a Japanese story about a regiment being trapped in Burma at the end of the war. Their Captain was a trained musician and trained them to sing, a sanitised version of events but well done anyway.
Kate and I led the so called “Short Walk” on Thursday. It was actually measured at 9.66 miles but as the long walk was 12 miles we had a following of 21 compared to 11 on the long walk. The sun shone and the leaves and berries were very vivid.

            Near Anglesey Abbey  

Little Wilbraham River

Our biography topic was “Eleanor of Aquitaine” a tough old bird who lived until 82, mothered 10 children, married 2 kings and produced 2 more.
Kate and I went to an exhibition at the Fitzwilliam Museum entitled “The Search for Immortailty” featuring Chinese burial relics from 200 BC which were not unearthed until the 1990s.


 Exhibits from China

We took Ben to Luton Airport on Monday and he should return today, as should Esther – perhaps they will meet? Erratum from last week for “Glasgow” read “Derby” – we haven’t had a report from the cousin’s weekend as yet.


Mike & Kate

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