Sunday, 3 June 2012

3rd June 2012

3rd June 2012.

Dear All,

Our Polish trip was very enjoyable and worked out quite well. Kate and I caught the boat train to Parkeston on Sunday evening and met Kate’s sister Sue and husband John (aka Bill) on the Stenna Hollandia for a night crossing to The Hook of Holland. They were driving son James car to allow him to bring his bride and wedding presents back to the UK. The boat was very impressive, 2 years old and huge, the crossing was calm and we were on the road by 8.30 am next morning. We managed 380 miles the first day stopping near Magdeburg and crossed the Polish border by mid day on Tuesday.
We explored Poznan, Kilisz and Lodz before reaching the wedding venue at Kilice where we stayed for 4 days. After the wedding we spent 2 nights in Krakov before flying back last Wednesday.
Poznan has on old market square much like Krakov, Kilisz is a small town on the “Amber route” from the Baltic and Lodz an industrial city with the longest (5km) street in Poland.




Bride and parents

At Kilice we stayed in the hotel Lesny Dwor in woods a walking distance from the city centre. As everywhere else in Poland there has been enthusiastic spending of EU money on roads and building projects resulting in tremendous progress since we were last there 10 years ago.

Kilice Cathedral

Joanna & James
Esther, Mary-Ann and Ben flew out on Friday evening together with about 40 others and were met by a coach at Krakov airport. The wedding took place in the Catholic Cathedral with no English translation and the reception was at our hotel. There were several huge pluses compared with UK equivalents: unobtrusive photos, no speeches, live music, Polish traditional ceremonies and multiple food and drink courses. The menu listed the first course at 6 pm and the last at 2 am (we were missing). The music stopped at 3 am. The next day there was a buffet lunch and a disco!

Glamorous Guests

The brides family were very friendly and the bride (Joanna) delightful.

Kosciuszki Mound


On the way to Krakov we stopped at some stalagmite caves and hill top fort. We stayed in a hotel near the Debricki Bridge and the first evening we climbed the Kosciuszki mound. We were joined by James and Joanna next day and revisited several of the places we saw last time and some extras including the newly opened museum at Schindler’s factory.
The weather was hot throughout the trip as it seems to have been at home. The garden had become a jungle while we were away and has taken a couple of days to reclaim it.


Mike & Kate

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