Sunday, 24 July 2011

24th July 2011

24th July 2011.

Dear All,

Kate and I spent 3 days in Godalming and they seem to be coping very well. Amélie has gained half a pound and has a fine pair of lungs. Her main hobbies are eating, pooing and sleeping which I think are fairly normal for one of her age.

Three generations

Rosie’s vision of the future

Esther and Eirwen came down on Monday and we also met Andy’s mother. It rained for about 50% of the time but inbetween we walked to “Secretts”. F.A. Secrett was one of the major growers in the Thames Valley and the farm has now diversified with a large PYO set up, a farm shop and a Garden Centre. We bought a few vegetable plants to add to the garden at Ockford Ridge.

Secretts PYO

We got back in time for cricket on Wednesday night when OBC won again beating St Neots Methodists. Lynn Medlock called that evening and was full of her recent trip to Malaysia for a wedding.
Our walk on Thursday started at Monk Street and circled round Thaxted for 10 miles. Philip as usual strode off at pace with little thought for the back markers, consequently (just like the Tour de France) a group got dropped off the back and had to phone to see where the rest of us were.

Richmonds in the Wood nr Thaxted

We had a Holiday Club planning meeting that evening. It is due to start on Monday and Kate and I are heading up the oldest group so Saturday was setting up time. The theme is “Rockys Plaice” centred on a fish and chip shop. We have been fortunate in inheriting a lot of excellent props from Willingham who had this theme last year.
On Friday evening we attended the U3A BBQ at Dry Drayton. It is held at a remarkable large commune like location which has slightly gone to seed. It was not especially fine weather and we ended up playing croquet in the rain.
I was called up for cricket yesterday as the holiday season is biting team selection. We were playing the league leaders who have not lost yet. They still haven’t lost but we were not disgraced and I was not out.


Mike & Kate

1 comment:

Daytime said...

Looks sweet doesn't she? Love Rosie's card.
There's still space on the France holiday. We need someone to fetch the bread