Sunday, 31 July 2011

31st July 2011

31st July 2011.

Dear All,

Kate and I helped at Holiday Club for 3 mornings this week. We did not have large numbers but it went very well and was quite enjoyable. The theme was “Rocky’s Plaice” telling the story of Peter based on a chip shop. Parents were invited for a Fish & Chip lunch on the last day and several turned up.

Rocky’s Plaice

Latest baby pictures show Uncle Ben in attendance having returned from Thailand and Cambodia as well as the results of three weeks eating and sleeping.

Uncle Ben

Rounded tum

The chapel cricket team suffered it’s first defeat this week despite my highest score of the season – we did not have our strongest team out and Anglian Water were quite keen.
Our walk on Thursday started at “the Lazy Otter” at Stretham and travelled along the river bank, by Stretham Pump Engine to Little Thetford and round via Wilburton.

River Ouse at Stretham

Stretham Pump Engine

On Friday I went to Haddenham to be briefed by Andy Haward a former colleague at NIAB who set up his own trial business. He is taking his children on holiday so I am covering recording while he is away.
Runner and French beans, courgettes, marrows and raspberries are all in full production so nature is bountiful at present.
I started stripping the paint off our garage doors yesterday with a view to repainting.


Mike & Kate

Sunday, 24 July 2011

24th July 2011

24th July 2011.

Dear All,

Kate and I spent 3 days in Godalming and they seem to be coping very well. Amélie has gained half a pound and has a fine pair of lungs. Her main hobbies are eating, pooing and sleeping which I think are fairly normal for one of her age.

Three generations

Rosie’s vision of the future

Esther and Eirwen came down on Monday and we also met Andy’s mother. It rained for about 50% of the time but inbetween we walked to “Secretts”. F.A. Secrett was one of the major growers in the Thames Valley and the farm has now diversified with a large PYO set up, a farm shop and a Garden Centre. We bought a few vegetable plants to add to the garden at Ockford Ridge.

Secretts PYO

We got back in time for cricket on Wednesday night when OBC won again beating St Neots Methodists. Lynn Medlock called that evening and was full of her recent trip to Malaysia for a wedding.
Our walk on Thursday started at Monk Street and circled round Thaxted for 10 miles. Philip as usual strode off at pace with little thought for the back markers, consequently (just like the Tour de France) a group got dropped off the back and had to phone to see where the rest of us were.

Richmonds in the Wood nr Thaxted

We had a Holiday Club planning meeting that evening. It is due to start on Monday and Kate and I are heading up the oldest group so Saturday was setting up time. The theme is “Rockys Plaice” centred on a fish and chip shop. We have been fortunate in inheriting a lot of excellent props from Willingham who had this theme last year.
On Friday evening we attended the U3A BBQ at Dry Drayton. It is held at a remarkable large commune like location which has slightly gone to seed. It was not especially fine weather and we ended up playing croquet in the rain.
I was called up for cricket yesterday as the holiday season is biting team selection. We were playing the league leaders who have not lost yet. They still haven’t lost but we were not disgraced and I was not out.


Mike & Kate

Sunday, 17 July 2011

17th July 2011

17th July 2011.

Dear All,

Nothing like starting the week at the dentists for a little drilling therapy. I had that joy on Monday and Kate has broken a tooth and started treatment this week as well. Kate and Esther enjoyed their singing at the Albert Hall, it was “Carmina Burana” by Carl Orff.
I travelled out to the fens to look at a NIAB lettuce trial on Tuesday. I took Jim Burr for the ride – he has had a stroke and is struggling a bit. After the lettuce we called in on Prickwillow Pump Engine museum where volunteers have collected and restored several of the huge engines that were used to pump water into fen dykes.

Shippea Hill Lettuce

Prickwillow museum

In the evening a group of us went to see a modern version of “Pilgrims Progress” performed by the Saltmine Theatre Company in Cambridge. The acting was brilliant with 5 performers taking all the parts.
I have been asked to do some more consultancy for the Riverford Box Scheme so I met up with them at Peterborough on Wednesday to discuss what they want me to do. This was followed by swimming at Impington and cricket at Yelling.
Our Thursday walk was in the Wimpole area again starting at Croydon.
On Friday I had to mend the cricket club mower as we had broken a belt and then tend pitches and garden. Runner and French beans, peas and courgettes are all cropping well and spring planted onions, garlic and shallots needed lifting.
Saturday morning was rather damp but it cleared up in the afternoon. We visited a local wildlife photographer called Jeff Harrison. He had an open day as part of the Cambridge Artists “Open Studios” month when over 200 artists hold open weekends throughout July. Jeff is based in Longstanton and specialises in kingfisher
photography but also has some fantastic shots of other wildlife.

Jeff Harrison photo

Afterwards Kate and I walked round Swavesey Pits – it was good dragonfly spotting weather.

Teasel at Swavesey

River by Pits

Esther visited Amélie Maya on Monday and we hope to go down this evening for 3 days. They seem to be coping OK apart from lack of sleep and multiple nappy changing!

Latest shots


Mike & Kate

Sunday, 10 July 2011

10th July 2011

10th July 2011.

Dear All,

It has been a moderately eventful week in Lake Wobegone. You will all know by now (even Ben!) that Mary-Ann and Andy became proud parents on Tuesday and I have just received a text message informing me that the name is to be Amelie Maya. Kate and I visited them in Guilford Hospital on Wednesday and they were able to go home that afternoon. I believe she is doing all the normal new baby things like feeding, sleeping and crying as well as inducing tiredness in her parents. Kate and I have received several cards and congratulations to which I reply “I don’t think I have done anything much towards the project” and the knowing ones come back with “no – but you will!”

Amelie Maya

Kate is currently with Esther singing in the Albert Hall. Ben flew off to Thailand yesterday where he is meeting a friend and travelling to Cambodia.
Yesterday was Carnival and Show day, I was second again in the veg section (5 x 1st, 6 x 2nd, 6 x 3rd) which saves so much polishing of cups and trophies. I was also judging another show at Barley including not only Fruit & Vegetables but 20 classes of flowers.

Barley Show

The Carnival is a severe strain on the dedicated cricket pitch custodian as hundreds of people walk, sick, eat and drink on the pitches then the odd lorry drives across to round things off.
The chapel had a stand as usual with a quiz and some affordable games.
Our walk this week was local starting at Dry Drayton and proceeding via Bar Hill, Lolworth, Boxworth, and Knapwell. It was actually fairly attractive for north Cambridgeshire.
I have been to 2 BBQs today, this afternoon Kate and Gordon hosted one for Adrian Hart (ex school teacher now gardener) and this evening our neighbours had one for the medics that the daughter works with.


Mike & Kate

Sunday, 3 July 2011

3rd July 2011

3rd July 2011.

Dear All,

I had a trip to the northern RHS garden, Harlow Carr at Harrogate on Thursday. It was the first time I have been there and was very impressed. The three closest members of the RHS Veg Panel were assessing a duplicate of the Broad Bean trial that we saw at Wisley last week. They have a decent edible garden, a new training centre and a beautiful damp valley by a stream.

Harlow Carr

I was back at NIAB on Tuesday to attend a seminar about the history of plant breeding and NIAB’s early days – there a couple of Leeds University students studying the subject for PhDs.
No walk this week due to the Harrogate trip but I went swimming on Wednesday and Kate and I strolled round Swavesey Fen last night which was pleasant apart from the mossies.
It was the start of the judging season yesterday; I was at Stapleford a new show for me. The veg was rather average but the fruit was good.

Stapleford Show

We entertained Judith and Ray for dinner on Monday night. Judith is from the walking group, Irish and one of 11 children – her father trained greyhounds. Ray was a professional trumpet player but retrained in legal matters and worked for the BBC until he retired earlier this year but he is still doing 3 days a week.
No news from Godalming as yet.


Mike & Kate