Sunday, 5 December 2010

5th December 2010

5th December 2010.

Dear All,

We have escaped the worst of the snow and only accumulated about an inch all told. Rather different for most of you I guess, we have been down to Hutton this afternoon as Mary-Ann has been staying with Esther this weekend, and that part of Essex has been blessed with about 8”. Esther has been working from home for most of the week.


Over’s weedy snow

Esther’s more impressive snow

Not too much to report this week, I went to work Monday as I had an RHS meeting in Vincent Square, London, on Tuesday. It snowed for much of the day but being London it did not settle (too much heat or pollution?).

RHS wood panelled conference room

I managed to get back in time for “Astronomy” and on Wednesday the “Digital Age” covered the World Wide Web which incredibly has only been running since 1999. In the evening it was a Proust discussion which is still leaving me a bit cool.
I missed the U3A walk on Thursday as my lift cried off not liking the look of the weather so I had be satisfied with a stroll round the Fens with Kate as she came home early in the afternoon. It was probably just as well as my knee has been playing up most of the week.


We did a little more Christmas shopping on Friday and on Saturday I cleared the greenhouses and we were out for dinner with Rachel and Will a new young couple who have recently been attending chapel. They were both slightly under the weather with coughs and aches so we are crossing our fingers that they were not infectious!


Mike & Kate

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