Sunday, 16 May 2010

16th May 2010

16th May 2010.

Dear All,

It has been a busy week in Lake Wobegone, or at least Over. Monday I had a CEEM Board meeting re Moldova at Peterborough followed by a Deacons meeting. Tuesday I was at Wisley judging asparagus followed by a cricket pitch preparation and then Home Group. Wednesday was work followed by a gardening club talk at Hitchin where about 60 turned up,


Thursday the walk started at Great Chishall and like the previous week included blue and yellow panoramas and several attractive cottages. Saturday pitch preparation followed. In the evening it was the 4th week of Alpha and 2 extra people came along so this has been encouraging so far.
Friday was paperwork, grass cutting and gardening followed by a meal at the Golden Ball, Boxworth to celebrate 39 years of married bliss – and to try out the venue for the cousin’s reunion in June. This has now been booked but I will send a separate communiqué with details.
On Saturday both Over cricket teams won on the same day which has not happened for sometime,
Today we have had a “Tea & Talk” meeting with Stuart Wood the chaplain of Cambridge Utd football club. He is an ex Covenanter from Bury St Edmunds so we have come across him a few times before.
Kate and I have just returned from a bike ride to the river (not Graham standard – but start)

Great Chishall

Mike & Kate

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