Sunday, 23 August 2009

23rd August 2009

23rd August 2009.

Dear All,

Our home group attended one of the open air Shakespeare plays this week. It was a performance of “The Merry Wives of Windsor” in the gardens of Kings College. It was a good night as the weather was fine, the performance good and the setting fantastic.

Kings College Gardens

My other cultural highlight was to visit one of the many Darwin Exhibitions in Cambridge. This was at the Fitzwilliam Museum and was mainly paintings which had affected him or he had influenced. It was reasonable enough but the connections were a rather tenuous in some instances.

Fitzwilliam Museum

We had an open day at Thetford on Tuesday showing new onion varieties; again the weather was kind and the attendance pretty good. Most of our trials look good this year which is a tribute to the amount of rain at most sites.
Our walk this week was a circular route starting at Haynes in Bedfordshire taking in 10 miles via Clophill including the Greensand Ridge Walk. We did get wet briefly, for the first time recently, but it was a good walk with a few contours.

Haynes, The Greyhound

Haynes Park

We won back to back Saturday cricket matches for the first time this season – I did not contribute many runs but took a surprisingly sprightly catch for a 63 year old!


Mike & Kate

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