Sunday, 22 March 2009

22 March 2009

22nd March 2009.

Dear All,

This week we have attended a “Hutton Work-In” courtesy of Esther. On Thursday evening Mary-Ann, Kate and myself assembled at 19 Alpha Road to attempt various tasks kindly planned and kept for us viz: erection of 3 m curtain rail, hanging of new curtains lovingly constructed by Kate, removal of grass patches at front of house and replacing with low maintenance bark and flower area and construction of 4 x raised beds – vegetables for the growing therein.



I am happy to report that all tasks were successfully completed plus a little light grass mowing and border cultivation.

Raised Beds


Thanks to all those who remembered my birthday with cards or gifts – late offerings are still possible! One card depicted an elderly man coming home to announce to his wife that “I have joined the ramblers” to which she replied “Do you mean walking or talking?” As it was work and a church meeting on the 17th we celebrated on Monday with 11 coming for meal.
Both my U3A brain stretching courses have finished this week so it is back to the Rambling for me (walking and words). This week we met at Shillington near Hitchen and walked 10 miles via Meppershall and Pirton. It was a beautiful day and included a few hills which is strange for these parts. I could tell that I had missed a few weeks.


Bedfordshire Hills

On Wednesday I caught up with the garden after absence in Moldova and planted early spuds, carrots, peas and beetroot and rotovated in the sprouts and cauliflowers.
Pastor David has gone down sick today, fortunately it was a Family Service for Mothers Day this morning but it looks as though I am performing tonight.
Mary-Ann brought some of her bead based, flower inspired pictures up to Hutton for an exhibition. Here is a tantalising glimpse:


Mike & Kate

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