Sunday, 19 December 2021


19th December 2021


Dear All,

The Christmas tree is now in place – a 6-footer from Fenwick’s finest still retailing at £2 per foot! Next year could be problematic at the plantation now seems to consist of 2’ or 20’ specimens!



After swimming on Monday, we restocked the new fish tank with mainly Neon and Glowlight Tetras. On Tuesday Arthur’s session was followed by a visit from a man offering a free service of our solar panels, of course he found something lacking claiming we need a voltage regulator – something his firm happens to specialise in!


Glowlight Tetra’s


Midweek we cut down and logged the Apricot tree in the front garden. It had performed well until a couple of years ago when it started to lose boughs with disease and increasingly shaded the front garden and threw out more and more suckers.



Apricot Tree



Cleared site



First Log Barrow


Our walking group had a Christmas gathering on Thursday walking along the River Cam from Magdalene Bridge to Baits Bite Lock at Horningsea then back along the other side of the river. This was followed by a meal in “La Mimosa” an Italian restaurant with a slightly different menu. I had creamed mushrooms, Brisket and Panettoni in chocolate.



River Cam



Class of 2021


The Cam at Fen Ditton


The final session of Biographies included seasonal readings, a quiz and nibbles which went quite well.

Adrian turned up in the afternoon with a large basket full of edible goodies.

Mary-Ann had posted videos of Amḗlie and Albert’s Christmas plays on WhatsApp which were filmed as audiences were not allowed. I am not sure that either of them enjoyed their performances but their grandparents were very pleased to see them!

Esther & Emma’s Garden room has taken shape during the week and is almost completed.


19 Alpha Road Air B&B?

Amḗlie continues to show her artistic capabilities having completed a model of a WW2 bunker for a school project.



Model Bunker

Over’s match was called off as the pitch was deemed unfit – or was it because they were due to play a team that scored 12 the week before and they had a few injured players? We watched Swavesey 4 v 0 Sawston instead.


With love

Mike & Kate

Sunday, 12 December 2021


12th December 2021


Dear All,

Christmas preparations gently accelerating with Kate cooking a cake, assembling other cakes, we have sent a few dozen cards, wrapped presents and an had outing to choose a tree. Arthur came with us on Tuesday to choose a tree from Richard Fenwick’s fast diminishing plantation. The system is that you tie a label on the tree of your choice and he delivers it later. It was a rather chilly morning and Arthur seemed to change colour from pink to blue as we walked down Mustills Lane but he is a placid child and doesn’t complain and especially enjoyed checking the depth of each puddle.

Our old lodger South African Cathy was in church Sunday and came for lunch. She now works at Addenbrooke’s so we had a full catch up on the strains of working for the NHS.

Another swimming session with the pool nearly to ourselves on Monday – just 7 in total.

The new fish tank has been filled, planted and the fish transferred. It looks good but the small fish did not take kindly to the change in water so the numbers are reduced.



My CEEM colleague Terry has managed to send more money to Moldova this week after considerable difficulties. He had his card blocked three time for “suspicious activities”.

On Wednesday I managed another loaf of bread then our History session featured Aethelwulf, Aethelbald, Aethelberht, Aethelred & Alfred (who probably had his name shortened from Aethelfred!). Need I say more?


 Our scheduled walk leader on Thursday had to drop out with a leg problem so Kate and I were drafted in. The walk started at Orwell and took in Harlton, Little and Great Eversden. The weather was fine and the route included Harlton Clunch Pit which is an attractive wooded depression. Wildlife featured several Red Kites and some fieldfares which have been scarce round here this year.



Harlton Clunch Pit


Little Eversden



Grreat Eversden church


After the walk we were pleased to see Adrian for the second time in the week and Glynis and Mossy who was looking commendably clean for a white dog on a mucky day.

Biographies this week featured Lady Elizabeth Butler, she was a British painter, who specialised in painting scenes from British military campaigns and battles, including the Crimean War and the Napoleonic Wars. She also painted the famous picture of the lone survivor of the massacre in the Khyber Pass. Even though she was the best painter around she was refused membership to the Royal Academy as she was a woman!



Lady Elizabeth Butler



The Remnants of an Army


Scotland Forever


Jan Few, a local character from Willingham called Friday afternoon, he had just returned from Tenerife and nearly missed his plane as the coach was delayed and as he rushed through check in, they failed to give him a Boarding Pass so he was sent back to check in and had to go through security again and in his haste left his mobile phone in the tray. He is not keen to go abroad again!

The garden is still productive and yesterday I harvested sprouts, leeks, celeriac, parsnips and beetroot.

I watched Linton 3 v 3 Over yesterday a reasonable result but disappointing as Over were 3 v 0 up and conceded the equaliser in the last minute


With love

Mike & Kate

Sunday, 5 December 2021

 5th December 2021


Dear All,

Early signs that Christmas is on the way locally with the lights eventually being turned on at the Green and the Garden Club Christmas party. The lights were a low-key event after the Saturday weather caused a postponement but there was carol singing, mince pies and a cove with red coat and flowing white whiskers.



Lights & Carols


The Garden Club do involved a quiz, photo competition, Secret Santa and raffle. The quiz had 6 rounds on trees, fruit and vegetables (in which we did well), national gardens and Over history (moderate) and ladies in gardening (in which we performed badly). Did you know that the patron saint of gardeners is St Dorothy? We won the quiz (a team of 6), I got a 1st and 2nd in the photos, some plant labels in the Secret Santa and chocolate Matchsticks in the raffle – so a good night all round.


Winning photo


Mini crisis this week with the fish tank leaking and causing considerable dampness in the cupboard below. As it is only the second tank we have had in 50 years we decided to replace it rather than patch it up. This is quite serious business trying to move the old one, keeping the fish and plants alive and swapping in the new one. The old one was half drained for moving and letting the area dry out, the new one is taller and this meant having the electric socket moved involving filling and painting – so we have not achieved completion yet. When we have there will be a 3’ vivarium available to the highest bidder!


The Old Tank in emergency mode

We did a walk recce on Tuesday at Orwell as we received a leading request at short notice as someone dropped out for next week. Our Thursday walk started at Chrishall and took in Duddenhoe End, Littlebury Green and Elmdon. It was a bit sticky underfoot but mainly sunny after a cold start.



Near Chrishall



Jerseys Lunching



Half a mile of Sugar Beet clamp!


We were so involved with fish tanks on Wednesday that we both forgot to tune in for our History session. Fortunately, the tutor puts his presentation on-line straight away so we could catch up. This week it was about conflicts between Mercia and Wessex with Wessex becoming top nation, the Book of Kell’s, Vikings attacking Iona and Wessex and the arrival of Alfred who was sent on a pilgrimage to Rome at the age of 3!

Kate and I met up with ex NIAB colleagues for lunch at Girton Golf Club on Tuesday. It was good to catch up with them even though the discussions tend concentrate on ailments and medications!

The Biography subject this week was Charles James Fox a prominent British Whig statesman whose parliamentary career spanned 38 years of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. He was the arch-rival of the Tory politician William Pitt the Younger. He was very bright, very spoilt by his father and an immoral womaniser. In his youth he wanted to watch the demolition of a wall on his father’s estate but the workmen completed the job before he arrived so his father made them re-erect the wall so Charles could watch the demolition!


Charles James Fox


Esther and Emma went to Hyde Hall on Friday night to see the illuminations which look quite impressive.



Hyde Hall

And Over beat Fulbourn 5 v 1 yesterday in rather more pleasant weather that the previous week!

With love

Mike & Kate