Sunday, 29 November 2015

Dear All,

Question: How do you turn a normal gentle cold into a severe case of Man Flu?
Answer: Spend 6 hours walking round the streets of Cambridge on a cool damp night!
I can’t remember having a cold last year; I have now managed 2 in a month. What started with a sore throat and ticklish cough seemed to improve with the Thursday walk but we were on Street Pastors Friday night and it doesn’t seem to have improved things – perhaps I should write a paper for the “Lancet”? Consequently I have stayed in yesterday and today. We were accompanied on patrol by the Mayor of Cambridge who was along as an observer. As is usual it was reasonably quiet for the first hours but livened up for the last couple when the effects of an evening of imbibing become manifest. There were several rough sleepers about – not great weather for this activity and there is evidently a gang of Polish men giving them a hard time in Cambridge.
We were due to go for more SP training on “Alcoholism and Homelessness” yesterday so Kate went alone and reported that it was very interesting. So here are some awareness questions:
What is the average age that a person is classified as an alcoholic in the UK? (41)
How much does the Government spend on alcohol awareness? (£1m/pa)
Alcoholism is a special problem with ex soldiers
What percentage of people killed in road accidents are over the limit for alcohol? (25%)
What percentage of homeless are classified as alcoholics? (51%)
What percentage of those classified as alcoholics are white or Irish? (96%)
In the last 10 years what has been the increase in the number of 11-15 year olds seeking help for alcoholism? (100%)
What percentage of secondary school teachers drink to a dangerous level? (25%)
John Law has travelled to Moldova as in Burlacu they have made great strides in building a new church (with Dutch, German and UK help) and converted the old building into a Drop In Centre for the elderly and Street Kids. They have made an excellent job of it and John has gone to attend the opening.



On Thursday our walk started at Leighton Bromsgrove which is to the north of the A 14 opposite Graffham Water. There were great views from a ridge overlooking the A 14 but the scenery was not spectacular and the mud was an especially sticky variety.

Leighton Bromswold

The Biography on Friday was “Samuel Pepys” – the first time we have had a repeat but the lady presenting was an expert so it was still interesting. Do you realise that he was MP for Harwich?


Mike & Kate

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Dear All,

Well winter seems to have arrived – no snow here, well just a wet flurry, but -4°C in the greenhouse last night. The wind was more serious taking a large end pane out of the larger greenhouse and blowing open the garden shed even though it was locked. It damaged the lock so I have had to replace it.
I was at Wisley on Wednesday for the annual Planning Meeting for next year’s trials. As has been the case in recent years, it was a fairly acrimonious meeting as RHS believe in “Mushroom Management” and make imperious decisions which are handed down by minions. Consequently our chairman resigned and I have been asked to take over. It is a bit like taking over the wheel of the Titanic!
There was a terrible accident on the Guided Busway on Wednesday night and Jenny Taylor (who used to be Dennis Whitfield’s secretary) was hit and killed by a bus. Kate was talking to her on Monday so it is a bit of a shock. It is the first fatality on the Bussway in 4 years.
The “Just Vegetating” topic was “Legumes” this week and Kate and other provided an exciting array of dishes to sample.
Our Thursday walk started at Barrington and took in Orwell, Little Eversden and Harlton. There were a few steep climbs (for Cambridgeshire) but it was a good walk. Barrington has a fantastic and extensive village Green and the recently abandoned chalk pits are due to be filled with the extractions from the new CrossRail workings which are reportedly half way complete.

Orwell Pits

Barrington Village Green

Break Time

The “Biography” subject was “Keith Douglas”, hands up those who had heard of him? None of us had either. He was a second World War poet who fought through El Alemein and was killed 3 days after the D-Day landings aged 24. He had however been injured at the end of the African Campaign and had time to publish some poems and write a book about his war experiences entitled “Alamein to Zem Zem”. Why do we know several WW1 poets and none from WWII?
It was Messy Church yesterday but the numbers were low. I watched football in the afternoon in what might be called a fresh breeze, in fact it was blooming freezing!

Latest from Hove


Mike & Kate

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Dear All,

We drove down to Hove on Tuesday afternoon after “Just Vegetating” “Salads- Fruit” – Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Peppers and Aubergines. Bert had just received a leg full of injections but bravely recovered reasonably well. Amélie is getting used to school and apparently likes school dinners. I went with her and Mary-Ann on Wednesday and it does seem like a well run establishment and a little different from Rolfe School, Thorpe-le-Soken!
Kate, Mary-Ann, Bert and I walked to Brighton and back later in the day. As usual it was very busy and there are hints that Christmas is on the way!

Bert post medication

Serious Puzzle Session

We were leading the walk on Thursday starting at West Row then following the River Lark through Mildenhall to Barton Mills and back through Worlington. We had not managed to fit in a recce but had led the same walk 2.5 years ago. The sun shone, no ploughed fields and water and trees – what could be better?

River Lark

Barton Mills

The Biography talk was on “Francis Walsingham” – Queen Elizabeth Ist Spy Master, and once Recorder of Colchester.

Yesterday I watched Over 2 v 3 Brampton in pouring rain then we headed south again. I don’t recommend the M11 in a downpour! We called on John and Muriel in Upminster and showed them pictures of the Cousin’s Reunion in Guernsey before attending Havering Singer’s Autumn Concert in Harold Wood. Esther is a committee member and is responsible for the publicity posters and concert programme. Last night it was Vivaldi’s “Gloria”, Mozart’s “Symphony 29” and fittingly his “Requiem” which was dedicated to those suffering from the Paris attacks. The music is not my number 1 choice but it was performed to a very high standard and the conductor, Keith Mostyn, is worth the entrance money by himself.


Mike & Kate

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Dear All,

We have just returned from a few days in sunny Rome. It was 20°C plus every day and shirt sleeves all the way – no wonder Italians are laid back and don’t take work too seriously! We flew out of Stanstead on Tuesday afternoon and arrived at the Hotel Priscilla at 9 pm. The hotel was well situated near the Metro and bus routes not far from the Borghese Gardens, but it was not in its first flush of youth with intermittent water supply and breakfasts of limited scope and imagination. However it was reasonably priced and we did not spend long there. We were very expertly led by Alan Winfield who took the “Italian Cities” course I attended at U3A earlier this year.
On Wednesday we explored Ancient Rome: the Colosseum, Palatine Hill, Roman Forum, Capital Hill, Victor Emmanuel Monument, the Jewish Quarter and the River Tiber. We had been before when Esther was 3 and Kate was expecting Mary-Ann. Things had not changed a great deal but prices had increased: 12 euros for the Colosseum and no reductions for the elderly!


Roman Forum

Arch of Septimus Severus

On Thursday it was St Peter’s and the Vatican Museums. The queues for St Peter’s were predictably long and we did not greatly enjoy the visit and took a walk back to the River Tiber. The Museums were much better with some incredible exhibits especially the Egyptian section and the Map corridor culminating in the Sistine Chapel which was, as usual, rather crowded. We travelled to and fro on the Metro this day returning at rush hour which was just like the Tokyo underground and a challenge for 25 aging participants!

St Peter’s Basilica

Roof of Map Corridor

Museum Spiral Staircase

On Friday we took in the Chiesa Nuova to see the Rubens paintings, the Piazza Navona with its iconic fountains and collection of artists and living statues desperate to make a buck or two, then a French church to see three Caravagio’s followed by the Pantheon, the Trevi Fountain and the Spanish Steps. Evidently it is always pot luck as to which is being restored and this week it was the Spanish Steps that were covered with scaffold and out of bounds. We finished up with afternoon tea in the Borghese Gardens.

The Pantheon

Trevi Fountain

Having a “clued up” guide was a huge advantage and even though the party would probably qualify for U4A and contained an eccentric or two it worked well and we met some interesting people.


Mike & Kate

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Dear All,

It was good to catch up with many of you last weekend at Beaumont celebrating 50 years of Dave and Jen’s “OK marriage”. We enjoyed the occasion and thanks to all who worked to provide and clear up. It was good to see Mary progressing with predictable grit and determination.

Kate has been struggling with the cold I generously passed on to her, but seems to have recovered in time for our trip to Rome on Tuesday.

I ended up with three presentations this week – such is retirement. The “Just Vegetating” topic was “Green Salads”. Numbers and enthusiasm seem to be keeping up. In the evening it was “Turkey” at house group (country not bird) then it was my turn at “Biographies” on Friday and I had chosen “Mark Twain”. As besides being a writer and humorist he had also been a typesetter, printer, journalist, travel writer, steam boat pilot, miner, inventor and lecturer so there was plenty of material to go at.

Mark Twain

Our Thursday walk was hard work this week perhaps because we were both getting over colds, but also a few hills and a modicum of mud. We started at Renhold near Bedford and took in Wilden and a further loop northwards.



I had a trailer load of muck delivered to the allotments shared with a neighbour. It was excellent well rotted material and I have managed to dig my share in already.

On Wednesday I was at Wisley again and despite heavy rain on the way down we kept dry on the Sprout and Leek plots. The visit included some serious taste panel work on 11 sprout varieties which should never be undertaken lightly!

Wisley Autumn Colours

Esther has at last started her respite care this weekend. Kian arrived Thursday night and is staying until Sunday or Monday.
Congratulations to Andy on being “Employee of the Year” for his division of Ericssons – all that and Albert too.

Albert’s latest (smile not wind!)


Mike & Kate