Sunday, 26 October 2014

Dear All,
We were in London yesterday for the annual visit to the GBM Mission Meeting in the Friends Meeting House at Euston. We first joined the crowds at the Tower to view the Poppies – quite a sight but fairly crowded. We were thinking that we might go in the Tower but the queue was round the block so we went to the British Library instead. At teatime we walked up to Regents Park and again we were not alone but the atmosphere was distinctly autumnal.

The Tower

The British Library

Regents Park

Inside the Friends Meeting House

As mentioned last week it has been a week of talks. Garden Clubs at Ramsey on Monday and Bennington, near Bedford on Tuesday. Both were well attended but Tuesday was not a good night to go out as the wind was rather brisk.
The “Just Vegetating” topic was “Brassicas” and then John Law and myself were invited back to NIAB on Thursday to address the retired staff (wrinklies) on Moldova. One lady donated £500 so it was worthwhile.
Highlight of the week might have been having a large load of FYM delivered on Thursday. As it was tipped on the front drive it needed barrowing to the back garden. It took 72 barrow loads but I am sure it was good for the figure.

Nearly Done


Kate and I attended the U3A film on Tuesday, it was “Au Hasard Balthazar” directed by Robert Bresson. The film followed the life of a donkey from birth to death emerging with dignity despite being ill treated and comparing it with human beings behaving mostly badly around it.

On Wednesday Kate and I went to Addenbrookes as volunteers for a research project looking at DNA and various diseases. This involved giving samples of blood which were extracted with some difficulty compared to any other blood letting we have been subjected to!

Bill. Sue, James, Joanna and Mila called in on Friday en route from Derbyshire to Kent and we hope to see Dave and Jen on Monday en route to Derbyshire.

James, Joanna & Mila

Mike & Kate

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Dear All,

On Monday we had the floor covering in both toilets and one bathroom replaced with a bluish vinyl.
“Just Vegetating” week 2 went well. The Friends Meeting House is buzzing on Tuesday mornings as there is a Keep Fit class and a Music Appreciation class on at the same time.
The highlight of Wednesday was definitely not unblocking the drain from the kitchen. This seems to happen about every three years and is particularly tricky as the drain travels at an acute angle under the house so rods do not work. Christmas at Nathan’s Road always comes to mind when unblocking drains!
The Thursday walk started at Saffron Walden and turned south towards Debden and back via Audley End. After heavy rain on Wednesday it was the first muddy walk of the season but not too bad.

Saffron Walden

Near Debden

Saffron Walden

At “Biographies” it was “Anthony Trollope” this week who after a difficult start blossomed into a prolific writer mostly while still working at the Post Office.
Digging, harvesting and clearing up in the garden between the showers this week.
Yesterday was fairly busy; I have 4 talks to prepare for next week so I spent the morning on these. I caught the first 30 minutes of Over v Soham Town Rangers then it was “Messy Church”. This was an alternative to Halloween centred on Light rather than Darkness. There was a record attendance with 56 for the meal.

Messy Church

Fluorescent Hoopla

In the evening it was the Cricket Club Dinner at The Dolphin in St Ives. Yes I did get a trophy “The Managers Award”, for work on the pitch.


Mike & Kate

Sunday, 12 October 2014

12 October 2014

Dear All,

U3A term started this week which meant we were teaching a new class on Tuesday. There are 23 on the register for this year with a waiting list of 10. We know 9 of the class from “Rambling” so even though Cambridge U3A now has over 3000 members you soon get to know quite a number. The new venue in the Friends Meeting House worked quite well but was busy with a music appreciation group of 100 members and a Keep Fit class on at the same time. This weeks recipes for Carrots & Parsnips are available on application to Kate Day at !
Kate is studying Spanish again this term and attended another course entitled: "History & the Bible", I am on “Biographies” again and we started with Beatrice Shilling, a fairly unique lady engineer, born the same month as my father and famous amongst other things for designing a modification to Spitfire carburettors to stop them flooding during steep dives. She was also a keen motor cycle racer and was the first woman to exceed 100 mph around the Brooklands circuit.
It was the Brassica Open Days in Lincolnshire on Wednesday and I took a couple of fellow walkers, Dave and Lawrie with me. We visited five sites and this year the trials were very good due to regular rain and decent temperatures. Highlights included a cabbage that can be cut in squares for Cabbage wraps, a purple pointed cabbage, several Romanescos, uniform Pak Choi and a increased interest in kales.

Cabbage Wraps


Pak Choi

Kale plots

Fennel trial

On the way back we came past the site of the F15 plane crash at Weston Hills and met several excited fire engines.
Yesterday Kate went to a Messy Church training day at Milton, there was a Mens Breakfast and I watched Over Res beat Chatteris Res 2 v 0.
I managed to run out of Febuxstat pills for my gout this week and in the two days waiting for them to come in had an instant flair up, so I missed the Thursday walk at Much Hadham. Kate went and most of them just missed a downpour.


Mike & Kate

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Dear All,

Monday was cricket square maintenance day: cut, scarify x4, fertilizer, seed, 10 bags of Ongar loam on each strip. It is quite hard work but fortunately it started to rain as soon as we finished so the seed has a good start.
Kate and I had to go into Cambridge on Tuesday morning to check out the new venue for our U3A course which starts this week. We had visited before but checked the wrong room in the Friends Meeting House. In the afternoon we drove down to Hove in time to pick up Mary-Ann from work and Amélie from nursery.
On Wednesday we explored Lancing, Worthing and Cissbury Ring. There is actually sand on the beach at Lancing and Worthing had an upmarket children’s playground and a respectable pier. Cissbury Ring is one of the largest ancient hill forts in the country.


Worthing Playground

Worthing Dome

End of the Pier

Cissbury Ring (tricky shot!)

Feeling the Chill

We completed the 5th leg of the “Lea Valley” walk on Thursday from Broxbourne to Tottenham Hale. It was close to the river all the way but lengthy at 12.5 miles. There was an interesting array of house boats and a lot of countryside amongst the industrial buildings.

Lea Valley

I started winter digging this week and it was incredibly dry. Yesterday’s rain was very welcome.
We started our homegrown water melon this week – evidence:

Kate attended a wedding of one of our “mature” walking ladies who met her new husband on-line.
I watched Over beat local rivals Cottenham 7 v 0 on a very greasy surface.


Mike & Kate