27th March 2011.
Dear All,
It has been a much quieter week with U3A on Easter holidays as well as no NIAB; however I have not been idle. Fortunately it has been a good week in the garden so I have been able to catch up with digging cauliflower, sprout and leek land, have had a really good bonfire and sown or planted broad beans, peas, potatoes, shallots as well as other seeds in the greenhouse including 10 tomato, 6 pepper and 11 herb varieties. I have spoken at two garden clubs this week, one at Peakirk, north of Peterborough and a new one at St Ives. Kate bought me a swivel office chair to go with the new computer desk; it came flat packed in more pieces that you could imagine for a chair! We have been gradually sorting and replacing all the papers that were in the old office, as well as finding homes for the books and paperwork I retained from NIAB – this has taken some time and is not yet quite complete. On Wednesday I had a tour of a local flower breeding nursery in Willingham. The owner used to work for Unwins but set up on his own once he had bred “Priscilla” a double form of trailing petunia, which is vegetatively propagated. He also breeds primroses, primulas and pansies and currently has over 70 listed varieties. His target for pansies is to produce frilly petalled trailing varieties. He has trailing and he has frilly petals but needs to combine the two.
Curly petals
Primrose breeding Glasshouse
John Law and I met up in the evening to try and sort our next rip to Moldova, at present the flights are not proving easy to fit in with our schedule so we may have to rethink. Our walk on Thursday started at Widdington, south of Saffron Walden (which I had never heard of) and circled via Henham and Debden. It was a good walk in some sunshine and only 9.5 miles!
AmberdeneHall near Henham
Debden Green
I emptied one of the compost bins on Friday and dug some of it into the greenhouses. It is amazing how much compost you can accrue in a year. Our pastor David Smith has returned to South Africa for a months holiday so I have the services to load on “Songpro” which takes some time. The harpist who performed at our “Tea & Talk” last Sunday, called Lucy Bunce was very good, she only bought her lever harp which cost a measley £3,500 compared with her pedal harp which cost £15,000.
We watched “The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas” on DVD last night which was pretty good. We have been out to lunch with the Twiss’s opposite today together with the Whitfields.
love Mike & Kate