Sunday, 16 November 2008

16th November 2008

16 th November 2008.

Dear All,

A new experience this week, after my “Geodydssey” class I was asked to do a talk at the Senior Citizens club at the Community Centre in Chesterton. I was not sure what to expect but most were on the ball and asked intelligent questions. It must have gone OK as I already have another booking for another similar club in Cambridge.
Monday night was Over Cricket Club AGM, the club is going through a transition having lost several senior players mostly by moving away but there are some excellent youngsters and the club has been running 4 colts teams. We are unique in the whole county by having a lady chairman; she does an excellent job so no complaints.
I was at Wisley again on Wednesday and for once both journeys were trouble free. We were judging autumn cauliflowers and checking leeks but the main purpose was to hear about some rearrangements at the RHS. It used to be the only organisation that I attended that never worried about money but that is changing at present. As we were early we had quite a good look round before the meeting. The new glasshouse is settling down quite nicely and autumn colours were still hanging on.

Wisley trees Wisley rockery

Nerines and Christmas Cactus

Our Thursday ramble started at Longstowe and progressed via Kingston and Caldecote to Bourne (of clinic fame) returning to Longstowe, 9.7 miles according to those with hand held sat navs!
On Friday I wrote next month’s Gardening Column, patched the cricket wicket, cleaned and went to Tescos – who says life isn’t full!
Saturday I dug some more garden, planted some more broad beans, watched Over Reserves and went to a party for my friend who recently biked across the States.
We have been out for lunch today and have spoken to Ben who has just had a week in Egypt including climbing Mt Sinai.
No letter for the next two weeks as we hope to be in Cuba from next Saturday.


Mike & Kate

Sunday, 9 November 2008

9th November 2008

9th November 2008.

Dear All,

The Monday “Geodyssey” class was on the “Bagel Theory” for the development of the solar system – I’ll explain it when I understand it! It is all to do with another planet smashing through our system when it was forming and leaving a hole like a bagel but not in the centre so it changed the centre of gravity. On an easier to understand level the tutor lent me two CDs of Hubble telescope photos and these are very spectacular. I have copied them should anyone want to see them.

Whirlpool Galaxy & Crab Nebula

I have been to work two days this week as it was our big open day for onions where we have samples of all the current years’ trials on show – something like 150 different varieties. I had to miss the ramble this week because the open day but have had some exercise digging. I have now finished all the heavy land and now have the “boys” land to do. I planted out broad beans this week so hope the resident squirrel and mouse population are not too hungry!
I have been asked to help with the revision of the “Oxford Book of Food Plants” so spent much of Friday checking scripts. It was first published in 1969 with hand painted illustrations which look a little dated.
I watched Histon knock Swindon out of the FA Cup yesterday with Brian Tyrell. They played well but have a rather direct “kick and chase” style of play – not what Ipswich purists are used to!
Kate has been suffering with cystitis this weekend and is currently in bed recovering.
We received our itineries for the Cuba “Environmental study tour” this week; we should leave on the 22nd. It looks interesting but with one or two political items.

NIAB Onion Display


Mike & Kate

Sunday, 2 November 2008

2nd November 2008

2nd November 2008.

Dear All,

Our “Geodyssey” lecture this week was held in the Geology Dept of Cambridge University and was on “Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Continental Drift” with a guest lecturer Dr Alan Smith. It was very interesting and after we had time in the Sedgwick Museum which specialises in fossils and rocks. As it was half term it was heaving with kids as they put on special events in the holidays.

Sedgwick fossils
Passing the Guildhall J noticed there was a photographic exhibition by the Cambridge Photographic Society so I took that in as well and that was excellent (and free!).
I moved some delicate subjects into the greenhouse on Monday which was just as well as we have had a series of “white over” going down to -6C.
On Tuesday I went to London on the train for the Annual Mission Meeting in the friends Meeting Place at Euston. There were about 1700 there and various new and established missionaries reported either on what they hoped to or had achieved. Sarah Clay from Colchester had been in Peru for 2 years and seemed to have been doing very similar work to the Garlic’s in Ecuador who we helped with Dave and Jen last year. At lunchtime three of us went to the British Museum so it has been an “exhibition overload” week.

British museum exhibits
On the way back the train was delayed at Hitchin and someone said “it’s snowing” we all said “pull the other one” but it was and had settled over an inch.
I went to work on Wednesday getting onions and data sorted for a steering group and open day next week.
My ankle keeps swelling up on and off and it was not too good Thursday but I decided to try and walk it off on the ramble. This one started at Waresley and skirted Waresley, Gransden and Hayley woods and Great and Little Gransden villages. 9 miles and I made it OK without too much pain but the ankle is still swollen.

Little Gransden
On Saturday the church had an “Awayday” at Perry on the banks of Graffham Water. This was lead by those eminent theologians Graham and Mary Brown together with John Law! It went very well and the attendees seemed very pleased with it. M & G came back to Over for dinner and insisted on seeing our holiday photos! John has just returned from China where he has been judging their national photographic competition. He has also been made a “Grandmaster” for winning a UK competition. He took 9000 digital photos in China before his camera gave up with metal fatigue – but luckily he had a spare film camera!
We had a baptism at chapel this morning – Toni Morley followed by a bring and share lunch co-ordinated by Kate. It all seemed to go very well,


Mike & Kate